At some point during their lives, nearly everybody will find themselves in situations where they would benefit from working with a counselor. As a church leader, you’ve probably had conversations with a member of your congregation and recognized they could benefit from professional help. Unfortunately, today’s mental health infrastructure can be difficult to navigate. Even if someone recognizes the need for help, they don’t always know which way to turn or whether they can afford it.

That’s why Care to Change is continually working to create opportunities for connections. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find the help they need and for trusted leaders to point them in the right direction.

It’s why we’ve added teletherapy, to offer remote options for care. It’s why we’ve expanded our practice to three locations, giving people more convenience. It’s why we’ve created approaches to make counseling more affordable, such as offering “scholarships” to offset the cost and implementing special pricing for people to see closely supervised and highly trained students. It’s also why we host roundtables where you can sit down with other church leaders and discuss the difficult issues you’re facing.

We’ve recently added alternative options to respect busy schedules, such as intensives to allow married (and engaged) couples and those who have experienced trauma to accomplish more progress in fewer sessions. Recognizing that an hour may not be enough for some people, we’re also now making longer sessions available.

We’re taking all of these steps (and more) to meet people where they are and provide the help they need in the most efficient and effective ways. In this issue, we’ll explore some of those options so you’ll have the opportunity to make referrals as needed. We’ll also look at some of the personal challenges church leaders face as you do your important work.

Care to Change was born from a desire to bring a higher level of service and professionalism to local mental health care, and we never stop looking for ways to be a resource to caring people like you. Is there another way we can help? Please let us know.

April Bordeau is the Managing Director of Care to Change. A licensed clinical social worker, she has focused on helping children and families overcome challenges in their lives for over two decades.

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