There’s something that happens when a home burns down or is destroyed by a storm. You’ll hear people say they lost everything they owned … and then they’ll add “but we still have each other.” When a loved one dies or becomes seriously ill, we find ourselves surrounded by the people who mean the most to us, and we appreciate the comfort their presence provides.

And tomorrow morning, we’ll go to work or start our daily tasks, and we won’t think twice about “each other” or “the people who mean the most to us.” After all, we know they’ll be there if and when we need them.

If you’re feeling a little guilty, please don’t. That isn’t my intent. I only wanted to call attention to what is truly the most important thing in this life: the people we love and who love us. We were made for connection. We shouldn’t need a loss or another tragedy to remind us of that, but we get busy and we get distracted. Our kids want us to play a board game or read a story and we say “maybe later.” Our spouse wants to cuddle on the couch or share a cup of coffee and watch the snow fall, and we’re irritated because there’s something “more important” we have to do. We haven’t had lunch with our friend for months, but honestly, who has the time?

You do. We all do. Time isn’t a commodity. It’s a gift from God. The years He gives us translate into thousands of days, hours, and minutes, and He grants us the freedom to choose how we use each of them. Oh, we’ll blame outside forces for how we spend our time, but the fact remains that it all comes down to the choices we make.

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s resolutions, but I do think the start of a new calendar is a great opportunity to look at where we are and where we want to be. And nearly all of us (myself included) should consider taking more of that wonderful gift of time and sharing it with those we love. It is important to spend more of those precious hours with our children, our spouses, our families, and our friends … and being more mindful and attentive when we are together.

I’ve yet to meet someone nearing the end of this life who regretted not spending another hour at work, but time and time again, I’ve heard them counsel others to spend more time with each other. My grandfather wished for more quality time with my grandmother, but only verbalized it after she was already gone. Come to think of of it, who among us doesn’t wish we had one more conversation with a parent, grandparent, or friend who has moved on?

Let’s all make this year one in which we’ll treasure every moment with those who matter most and do what we can to share more of that gift of time. And if you’re not sure how to do that, or if the stress of daily life is keeping you from appreciating those special people, we can help you focus what’s important to you. Please don’t waste another minute — contact us today and start taking control of your life. We’re here to help you take each step of the way.

Let’s make 2017 our best ever, and let’s begin by investing in relationships.

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