Sharing our knowledge with those who will benefit from it
Interested in helping others enhance their knowledge of mental health and learn practical strategies delivered in plain English? We offer a variety of program formats for companies, churches, schools, and other groups. Whether you’re seeking a workshop, a conference speaker, a lunch and learn, or some other format, our professionals are ready to help. Contact us today at [email protected] to share your needs!
- Mental Health 101
- Anxiety/Depression
- Suicide awareness & prevention (QPR & PAIR)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Trauma Informed Care
- 40 Developmental Assets
- Parenting/Adoption and Trust Based Relational Intervention
- Marriage retreats and intensives
- What is mental, emotional, and behavioral health?
- Knowing When it is Time for Therapy
- Supporting Military Families
- Prepare/Enrich Marriage Facilitation
- Love Your Body/Know Your Worth
- Body Image/Eating Disorders
- Parenting 101
- Parenting in the Modern World
- The 4 Keys to Parenting
- Parenting Difficult Behaviors
- Knowing When to Medicate
- Building Relationships with Kids from Hard Places
- Anxiety/Depression/Stress Management
- Trust Based Relational Intervention
- Teens & Technology
- Self-Harm & Suicide in Teens
- LGBTQ+ in Teens
- Teen Girls & Hard Topics
- Body Image/Eating disorders
- Healing from Trauma
- Mental Health and the workplace
- Leadership and Mental Health
- How to Build a Happy Team
- Team Building
- Stress Management
- Dealing with Difficult co-workers
- Communication/Conflict resolution
- Personalities/Communication Styles/Enneagram
- Compassion Fatigue/Burn Out
- Taking Care of Your Team
- Avoiding Toxic Stress
- Trauma Informed Classrooms,
Organizations, and Communities - Trauma Sensitive Exercise
- Yoga for the office
- Biblical Counseling vs Traditional Therapy
- Addictions in the Church
- Mental Health & the Church
- Suicide & the Church
- Anxiety/Depression/Stress Management
- The State of Marriage Today
- Compassion Fatigue/Ministry Burnout
- Grief and Loss
- Trauma and Trauma Informed Care
- When Helping Hurts
- Ask about our quarterly church leader trainings too!
- Improve Your Mood – How to Improve Your Overall Mental Health
- Mental Health and the workplace
- Leadership and Mental Health
- How to Build a Happy Team
- Team Building
- Stress Management/Anxiety/Depression
- Suiciden Prevention
- Dealing with Difficult co-workers
- Communication/Conflict resolution
- Personalities/Communication Styles/Enneagram
- Compassion Fatigue/Burn Out
- Taking Care of Your Team
- Avoiding Toxic Stress
- Trauma Informed Classrooms,
Organizations, and Communities - Trauma Sensitive Exercise
- Yoga for the office
- Conflict Resolution
- Healthy Communication
- Solutions for blended families
- Granting & Seeking Forgiveness
- The Pathway to Intimacy
- Roadblocks to Intimacy
- Sex Addiction & Marriage
- Anger in Marriage
- Marriage intensives available