In this episode, therapist, April Bordeau, explores the impact of generational patterns on mental wellbeing and relationships, specifically how mental health issues can be passed down through family lines and then explains 7 steps individuals can take to break the cycle. 

Breaking the cycle of generational mental health issues and dysfunctional relationships can be challenging, but it is entirely possible with conscious effort, support, and understanding. Here are 7 actionable ways to break the cycle:

1. Acknowledge and Understand the Patterns

2. Seek Professional Help (Therapy and Counseling)

3. Set Healthy Boundaries

4. Model Healthy Behaviors for the Next Generation

5. Practice Self-Care and Build Emotional Resilience

6. Promote Open Conversations About Mental Health/Relationship Challenges

7. Focus on Healing and Forgiveness and sometimes even grief

Some Final Thoughts:

Generational patterns are deeply ingrained in family dynamics and can significantly impact mental wellbeing across generations. Breaking generational cycles related to mental health and dysfunctional relationships requires deep reflection, intentionality, and often, outside support. Each of these steps can be a powerful tool to start the healing process—both for yourself and for future generations. 

 Resources Mentioned: 

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