Supporting your congregation with Bible-based services​

Churches serve their members during the happiest moments of their lives — and also during the most challenging. Today, that often includes troubled marriages, parents struggling to raise children amid conflicting values, teenagers experiencing peer pressure and stress, and individuals who want to overcome addictions.

Give your members immediate availability with an ongoing arrangement with us and/or offer reduced-fee services to them. You can refer church members in need of services to us, and we’ll identify the professional who is best suited to help.

Our experienced professionals provide a wide range of personal counseling services and mental health screenings that are built upon research-based methods and rooted in a solid foundation of Biblical truth. When you refer someone to Care to Change, you can be confident that the body of Christ will walk alongside them. Our focus is helping individuals and families maximize their God-given potential by providing Biblically based counseling and life-changing solutions.

What happens when pastors and lay leaders find themselves struggling, or when anxiety, stress or even pride are interfering? Where do they turn when they feel overwhelmed by the expectations of others and the call on their lives?  Our team provides specialized support for the men and women who lead churches and serve congregations. In addition to providing counseling services, we’ve created partnerships with congregations to address their specific leadership needs.

We can also develop an ongoing arrangement through which we guarantee immediate availability for your team as part of your benefits plan.


Staff members and volunteers have a heart for service but may find themselves in situations for which they lack expertise. Members who are feeling anxious or depressed may turn to them for help. Or they may become the first source of help when a suicide or other crisis rocks the congregation. We can educate your team to help them better understand issues such as these and learn what they can do to respond.

Our professionals can customize training to your needs. An excellent example is our work to help church leaders head off what’s been called compassion fatigue. We’ve held eye-opening training sessions for pastors and staff in which they learned that the emotions they were feeling were perfectly normal, and in which they gained practical strategies for protecting their own well-being and family as they serve others.

You can support your members in the challenges they face in daily lives by hosting workshops in which our professionals provide practical guidance on a wide variety of subjects such as parenting and discipline or dealing with issues such as anxiety and depression. Our workshops are presented in ways that encourage participation and give people sound strategies that are consistent with the teachings of your church.

We regularly host pastor roundtables, giving church leaders resources for hard topics they’re facing, and updates on mental health issues they may see in their team and congregation.  As with all our services, these efforts are evidence-based and consistent with Biblical principles.

If you are interested in having one of our counselors at your church location one day a week, we are ready to have that conversation with you.

We’re here for you

Please contact us today to discuss your church and congregation’s needs.